Wednesday, April 20, 2011


What do you do at home? Isn't it bored to just stay at home? Don't you miss your tight schedule? Catch up with deadline...and on and on...

Those questions always shower me anytime i meet ex-colleagues or friends. More often than not, my answer just a light smile or grinning depend on how close the person to me :D
Most of the time, my response won't be followed by further explanations, as generally people think that no special skills required to be a housewife, which is partly true.

I quit my job 8years ago, I know it's not easy since I started my career from zero. The good thing is, I always remember the proverb I once read on a book, that being a housewife is a challanging as many people think that occupation has no status. Contrary to fact, a housewife has heavy responsibility as any other occupations.

Since I believe in the positive meaning of proverb, so I decided why don't I challange myself, can I be a good housewife?

4 years ago, we got to welcome an additional family member (I mean my daugther :-p), so additional jobs await hahah... Well, here I am now...

Should one asks me those questions on the first paragraph, my answer will be remain the same. If he/she demand further answer I will simply refer to the above proverb :)
Still need further explanation, are my long answer (is it long enough? Pls advise by leaving a comment at the end of my note):

My occupations are:
1. Housewife: as I'm a married woman and spends more time at home
2. Homemaker: yeay sounds cool if it means Im able to make home but haha... Just simply do all the house cores as I don't have domestic helper (oh no... I wish I erase the word 'simply' since this is long hour duties, not from 8-5 but almost around the clock).
3. Full-time mum: yeah ideally it's sooooo good to be around my child. It's tough to stay cool though. But the positive things is both during toddlerhood and pre-teenhood is the only periode as a mum, we will needed by our kids without doubt. My friends whose grown-up kids shares their experiences, how their kids refused to be treated as beloved daughter/son. "i ain't kids anymore, im grown up, etc etc..."

As an individual-as Dian herself....huaaaaaahhhh I wish I could squeeze my tight schedule to enjoy 'me time', exactly like you guys who want to get off day..away from your routine duties :D

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